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How to Dispose of Used Sharps and Needles

Step One

Carefully place the filled, properly sealed sharps disposal container into the plastic bag provided. Close the bag securely with the twist-tie provided. 

Step One

Step Two

Place the secured plastic bag containing the sharps disposal container into the brown return box. Seal the brown box with the tape provided. Place the return box inside of the white shipping box.

Step Two

Step Three

Remove the 4-part customer manifest document from the "Document Enclosed" plastic pouch on the outside of the shipping box. Fill out the document completely. Remove the bottom copy and keep it for your records. Place the three-part remaining copies back into the plastic pouch.

Step Three

Step Four

Close and seal the white shipping box with the tape provided. Do not cover the pre-paid mailing label. Mail the properly sealed kit via the U.S. Postal Service.

Step Four